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News and Strategy for Pensions, Endowments and Family Offices

After a turbulent 2022, sovereign funds are on the rise as more asset owners shift their investment approach
The Norwegian sovereign fund is set to invest part of its portfolio in private equity for the first time, with a potential total investment of more than $44 billion
Ahead of COP 28, new research shows the ways in which institutions are embracing ESG issues regardless of policy action
The Scandinavian country is overhauling a vital part of its state pension system, with a huge amount of money at stake
The National Bankers Association and others support plans to relieve the effects of climate change on low-income households and minorities
It’s hard to make sense of a crisis as it is unfolding, but there are already a few lessons that are emerging
Viewed as a critical component of the roadmap to driving economic mobility and financial access for those most in need
The financial services industry identified disputes related to environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) issues as an area of top concern
Study ranks 163 impact investment groups running more than $122 billion in total assets
International body urges immediate action to reduce emissions and avert significant damage to the global environment
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