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America’s gross domestic product rose 2.6% in the third quarter
Government-approved HCAs work to improve homeownership within BME communities
US regulators set to refuse Libor exposure from December 31
The housing market is still thriving but the refinance market is slowing
Further easing is expected but banks warn of a deterioration in loan performance
US banks should brace for a rapid increase in delinquencies and charge-offs, according to the research
Not only does technology provide a better customer experience, but it is proven to create a more efficient and less risky lending process from beginning to end
The world is fast progressing within the technology domain and digital services have penetrated to the unexplored corners of life
Default rates have yet to reflect the economic impact of the pandemic, according to Milliman – but may not be as bad as expected
Less than a quarter of homeowners in forbearance have managed to make payments for May, according to fintech firm Black Knight
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