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ABA and BPI express concern that changes will not help banks clarify federal insurance coverage
How can financial institutions best position themselves to avoid the fate of Silicon Valley Bank? The buck stops with the Board.
Prashant Bhardwaj to lead department as the regulator’s first chief financial technology officer
Savers are moving money around in search of better service, according to JD Power
ABA and ICBA criticize extra burdens on small businesses and community banks caused by final Section 1071 rule
The ETF advanced 1.2% on Wednesday morning, more than twice the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Personalization can help community banks remain competitive and retain local deposits
March was the month for new finance chiefs with new names at several banks, plus a new CEO at Avidia Bank
Digitization and online banking will help the community banking sector grow substantially over the next five years
Page 31 of 373


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Banking Exchange Interview with
Rachel Lewis of Stock Yards Bank

As part of the Banking Exchange Interview Series we and SkyStem are proud to present our interview with Rachel Lewis, Assistant Controller at Stock Yards Bank & Trust.

In this interview, Banking Exchange's Publisher Erik Vander Kolk, speaks with Rachel Lewis at length. We get a brief overview of her professional journey in the banking industry and get insights into what role technology plays in helping her do her work.


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