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Cards - Banking Exchange
While housing demand increased, it was still more than 20% below this time in 2022
Survey found more than half of Americans are not paying off cards in full every month
Interest rates for credit card holders have climbed to a record high of more than 20%
The losses are already the fastest pace in decades and comes even while the economy is relatively stable
US fintech receives clearance to ship its biometric card with inbuilt battery
Debit cards are dominating consumer payment methods over digital, cash and credit
A study has found that many Americans are looking for alternative payment options to traditional credit
Fewer cash payments and more use of cards is the broad trend — and there’s little evidence that mobile payments are catching on yet
The ABA and ICBA have criticized plans to limit late fees on credit cards, which the CFPB believes will slash costs to consumers by $9 billion
Report by Oliver Wyman details how banks can deal a ‘body blow’ to online fraud
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CHICAGO, Illinois — NOVEMBER 7, 2024

Conference to be held at the University of Chicago, Booth Business School Downtown

This one-day event is open to all executives at U.S. financial institutions. On the agenda, will be:

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