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William Mougayar

William Mougayar

William Mougayar is a Toronto-based investor, researcher, blogger, and author of The Business Blockchain (Wiley, 2016). He is a direct participant in the crypto-technology market, and an advisor or board member to some of the world’s leading blockchain organizations, including Ethereum, OpenBazaar, Coin Center, and Bloq. He blogs regularly about the present and future of blockchains at Startup Management.

View Mougayar's recent TEDx talk about the blockchain

The wrong way to understand cryptocurrencies and the blockchain
Standards, ICOs, and regulatory outlook all important
Blockchain fan says ICOs need to play above board
A business guide to token usage, utility, and value
What happens after the “initial coin offering”?
Evolution depends on enduring some hard lessons
Here’s one blueprint for getting us there. Standards are key
Blockchain could play large role in revised payments schemes
Large companies need an innovation culture, not an innovation department


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