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Jane Haskin

Jane Haskin

Jane Haskin is president & CEO, First Bethany Bank, Okla. Haskin, is a member of the Banking Exchange Editorial Advisory Board and a former member of ABA's Community Bankers Council. She is a frequent reviewer for

Book Review: Life is negotiation—and win-win works best
Book Review: Do you make your own grief?
Book Review: Learn to use a powerful leadership tool better
Book Review: Social media and financial literacy efforts could boost your bank
Book Review: Key lesson for bankers is that people do business with people they like
Book Review: How women in business can rise to top positions
Book Review: Think you’re having a bad day? Try being Shackleton, the polar boss
Book Review: Fasten your seat belts, going to be a bumpy year
Book Review: Not a fad—it could mean your job, author insists
Book Review: Common factor in all is people
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Banking Exchange


CHICAGO, Illinois — NOVEMBER 7, 2024

Conference to be held at the University of Chicago, Booth Business School Downtown

This one-day event is open to all executives at U.S. financial institutions. On the agenda, will be: