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Blockchain On The Minds Of Future Clients Of Banks

Coinbase, a crypto exchange, released a survey of students last week that showed great interest in classes on blockchain technology, as well as cryptocurrency.

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  • Written by  Banking Exchange staff
Blockchain On The Minds Of Future Clients Of Banks

Almost half of the top 50 universities now offer at least one class on blockchain technology. The interest is not specific to the economics or business departments at universities but across the board interest. 47% of students with social science majors expressed interest in the topic.

The interest is not just for investments, but also to be more marketable as familiarity with Blockchain Technology is perceived to make young professionals more appealing to employers. For the banking industry that is wrestling with how new technology will transform its business, these skills can be of interest not only for the skillset in and of itself, but to identify potential employees that are interested in staying on top of motivation.

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