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Steve Cocheo

Steve Cocheo

Study finds growing sophistication in measurement and control—and more need. But some basics keep on rolling
“Sell” went from no-no to go-go to uh-oh. What’s right perspective on banks in the selling role?
Visa B2B Connect illustrates how banking and blockchain can work together
Talking with author and investor William Mougayar. He says fledgling technology could reboot financial services
Kasisto’s Zor Gorelov sees artificial intelligence’s ability as evolutionary
Book Review: Things went much deeper than the hole hiding the evidence
Dechert’s Tom Vartanian urges cautious optimism—and doses of reality
Fed governor sketches traditional and nontraditional exposures posed by fintech relationships
Whole-loan selling no longer just for distressed credits
Helping fintech and banking to understand other side of the desk
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