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Book Excerpt: Chris Skinner’s “Digital Human”

Welcome to the Fourth Age of Humanity

Digital Human: The Fourth Revolution Of Humanity Includes Everyone. By Chris Skinner. Marshall Cavendish Business, 344 pp. Digital Human: The Fourth Revolution Of Humanity Includes Everyone. By Chris Skinner. Marshall Cavendish Business, 344 pp.

“The history of money is wrapped up in sex, religion and politics, the things we are told not to talk about. Yet these are the themes that rule our lives, and money is at the heart of all three. The origins of money reflect the origins of humans. As you will see, there have been three great revolutions in human history: we first formed communities, next civilisations and then industry. We are currently living through a fourth great revolution in humankind, with a fifth in the not-so-distant future. And each revolution in humankind, in turn, creates a revolution in monetary and value exchange. That is why it is important to reflect on the past to understand the present as well as forecast the future. To put all of this into context, we need to begin at the beginning and talk about the origins of humans.”

Thus Chris Skinner, fintech expert, opens his latest book, Digital Human: The Fourth Revolution Of Humanity Includes Everyone.

In his review of Digital Human on this website, banker-reviewer Brian Higgins notes that Skinner’s take on today is that:

“What marks this fourth revolution is the growth of Digital, especially mobile capabilities and the access and connectedness that mobile technology permits. According to Skinner, we are witnessing the ‘digitization of humanity,’ which results in the ‘collapse of space and time,’ creating a ‘network available to everyone, everywhere’.”

We present the first chapter of Skinner’s book, with the permission of his publishers and the author, as a free copyrighted PDF download.

Download Chapter 1: The Revolutions Of Humanity: Digital Humans

Pre-order Digital Human: The Fourth Revolution Of Humanity Includes Everyone on Amazon

Chris Skinner

Chris Skinner has become known as an international independent commentator on fintech through his blog, the He is the author of the bestselling book Digital Bank and its sequel ValueWeb. Both books have been reviewed on and a chapter excerpt of ValueWeb also appears on the site. Skinner chairs the European networking forum: the Financial Services Club. He has been voted one of the most influential people in banking by The Financial Brand and has received similar honors from The Wall Street Journal and other organizations. Visit Skinner's professional website.

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