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Banking Exchange wins three national awards

Newsletter, blog, and print design stand out in b2b competition

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Banking Exchange wins three national awards

At the 38th annual Azbee Awards of Excellence banquet, held July 21 at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Fla., Banking Exchange won three national awards for editorial and design excellence. The “Azbees” are presented by ASBPE, which represents more than 1,000 journalists for b2b publications.

This year, nearly 1,150 Azbee entries were submitted in 75 categories. (ASBPE stands for American Society of Business Publication Editors.)

In June, Banking Exchange won awards for six of the eight entries submitted in ASBPE’s Northeast Region. Three of the six winning entries qualified to advance to the national competition. All three of these national finalists earned an award.

The national awards were:

Silver award in the e-Newsletter/General Excellence Category—Editors Exchange newsletter, written by Steve Cocheo

Bronze award in the How-to Online Category—“Community Banking” blog written by Jeff Gerrish for

Silver award in the Best Overall Typography Category—Banking Exchange magazine, designed by Wendy Williams.

Altogether, Banking Exchange—which debuted online in November 2014 and in print the following year—won six regional and three national awards in this year’s Azbee competition: one gold, six silver, two bronze.

“Our national and regional awards, taken as a whole, demonstrate that our startup media group can deliver what bankers need on multiple platforms,” said Steve Cocheo, executive editor and digital content manager. “As we roll out new capabilities and add to our events offerings, we will further assist bankers in these very challenging times.”

Read more about our regional awards

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