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Risk Management

How banks can mitigate the risks introduced by AI
That means updating risk management practices and refining collections approaches
Charges are that he misled investors regarding the risks involved in the loans surrounding $1.42 billion in mortgage-backed securities
How can credit scores be so good when a downturn is increasingly likely?
Allegation that the Apple Card provided husband a credit limit several times higher than his wife’s credit limit
Helping banks improve overall efficiency, attract more profitable customers, and reduce risk
Tread carefully when looking into the possibility of providing banking services to cannabis-related retailers and businesses
There is a solution that can make sense for the lender and the taxpayer called an “income share agreement.”
Traditional statistical models are limited in the number of dimensions they can access
Banks should not learn the wrong lessons, however
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Banking Exchange Interview with
Rachel Lewis of Stock Yards Bank

As part of the Banking Exchange Interview Series we and SkyStem are proud to present our interview with Rachel Lewis, Assistant Controller at Stock Yards Bank & Trust.

In this interview, Banking Exchange's Publisher Erik Vander Kolk, speaks with Rachel Lewis at length. We get a brief overview of her professional journey in the banking industry and get insights into what role technology plays in helping her do her work.


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