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Tech Management - Banking Exchange
What industry is changing as rapidly as the banking industry?
Members of NHCLC Receive Digital Wallet & Direct Deposit Solutions Linked To Banks
The service will help Borrowers more easily request loans online
AML compliance failures amassed $1.7 billion in fines in the first half of 2018
Your bank should ask for a face to face meeting with your technology vendors
Zappos has built a very positive culture and has focused relentlessly on customer service
Three ways in which the bank missed out on executing a successful change
Much of the criticism of bank profits have gone the other way as of late, decent profits but achieved through cost cutting measures
There is a huge trend towards mobile only for the younger generations surveyed, but it is not just for the young
Global fintech investment has been on the rise over the past several years and 2018 was no exception
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Banking Exchange Interview with
Rachel Lewis of Stock Yards Bank

As part of the Banking Exchange Interview Series we and SkyStem are proud to present our interview with Rachel Lewis, Assistant Controller at Stock Yards Bank & Trust.

In this interview, Banking Exchange's Publisher Erik Vander Kolk, speaks with Rachel Lewis at length. We get a brief overview of her professional journey in the banking industry and get insights into what role technology plays in helping her do her work.


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