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Financial Trends - Banking Exchange
Brands across all industries need to be prepared for what comes next, especially when it comes to customer experience (CX)
Digital banking services are allowing smaller banks to challenge for market share
Since its inception, cryptocurrency has had a dubious reputation
The company has committed equity capital to 11 African-American Minority Depository Institutions to date
Federal Reserve data noted the lack of demand for small business loans even while noting that consumer demand is on the increase
Coronavirus worries have helped boost the case for contactless card payments
Public’s input sought on potential modernization of advertising and signage rules to better reflect how banks operate
Association responds to recent NPR report on the closure of bank branches
Last week Bank of America estimated that Americans have $3.5 trillion in their bank accounts they did not have one year ago
Many incumbent US banks are not structured for a new digital shift boosting opportunity for fintechs
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