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CFPB - Banking Exchange
Consumer agency presses forward with Dodd-Frank mandate to gather race and gender data
Consumer protections to impact prepaid credit industry beyond old boundaries
CFPB covered by executive order on plan for reorganizing executive branch
… be careful or it will smack you when it swings back
CFPB holds hearings, seeks comments on benefits, risks
Report unpopular in industry shows some positives for some servicers
That’s a change bankers can now ask for. But it has to be an “ask,” not a “wish”
Can tech breakdown be abusive and deceptive? CFPB says so
UDAAP violations cited over opt-in disclosures. Bank vows to defend practices
In CFPB case TransUnion, Equifax pay $23.1 million over charge of misrepresenting monitoring services
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Banking Exchange Interview with
Rachel Lewis of Stock Yards Bank

As part of the Banking Exchange Interview Series we and SkyStem are proud to present our interview with Rachel Lewis, Assistant Controller at Stock Yards Bank & Trust.

In this interview, Banking Exchange's Publisher Erik Vander Kolk, speaks with Rachel Lewis at length. We get a brief overview of her professional journey in the banking industry and get insights into what role technology plays in helping her do her work.


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